lundi 4 mars 2013

Losing weigh

Losing weight is something that many people around the world are trying to do. This is not only because they want leaner body, but also because it is a lifestyle. Given the psychological and physiological problems caused by excess weight, it is important for everyone to get in shape. However, no matter how many people try to lose weight, statistics show that the number of people who are in poor condition increases with each passing day. This is despite the fact that there are thousands of weight loss programs and diets on the market today. This means only one thing, and that there is a problem somewhere.

You have tried many fat loss programs and diets without success. Although it may be difficult to accept, your inability to lose weight does not necessarily mean that there is nothing wrong with the plan or weight loss program you are using. Most likely, all you used were prepared by industry experts. This does not however mean that there is something wrong or that you are doing something wrong as far as weight loss is concerned. The problem is that whatever food weight loss or exercises that have been prescribed are not only good for you.

Despite the fact that most diets and quick programs are based on principles of nutrition and organic, they usually overlook the most important factor in the whole equation, and it is you. That most experts overlook is that every human being has a unique genetic code and this difference plays a major role in determining what works and what does not when it comes to loss diets grease and programs. While the programs you use can not be wrong, they will not work simply because they have not been designed to meet the specific needs and requirements of your body. The result of the use of such plans and weight loss programs is frustration, especially if you see other people manage to make thinner and lighter.

Due to differences in height, metabolism, weight and age in humans, it is imperative that you have a fat loss diet and a program that takes into consideration all aspects of your body, including your rate metabolic when engaging in strenuous activities. It is only when this is taken into consideration that your body may be able to allocate the calories and macronutrients needed to shed off fat. This is the only key to healthy weight loss and security without which all your efforts to lose weight will end in disaster.

how to fast weight loss

how to fast weight loss

There is fasting and fasting, and simply to stop eating is not how to fast to lose weight properly. Everybody needs a certain amount of nutrition in their diet from day to day in order to maintain a healthy metabolism and immune system, and starving your body of either of these critical components of its biochemistry is to risk your life in the name of weight loss. 
Some celebrities claim to have been on detox diets where all they took in was water and fiber in order to clear their system of impurities. The only thing that has been scientifically proved here is that they lost weight. Here, we are discussing fasting as a means of losing weight and nothing else. So how can we fast to lose weight properly? 
It is very unhealthy to go without food completely, for reasons touched on above. Your body has a certain need for nutrition, particularly certain vitamins and plant chemicals (phytochemicals) that support your immune system and metabolism. Without these you can become extremely ill. 
Also, the argument that by ingesting only liquid foods and no solids our body will be forced to burn fat does not hold water. All useful components of our diet are reduced water and fat soluble liquids, and what forces your body to burn fat is a lack of carbohydrates in your diet, not a lack of solid food. Nevertheless, by including just enough fruit and vegetable juices in your liquid diet, and by drinking around three pints of purified water each day, you should be able to lose weight and still consume sufficient nutrients to maintain the critical biochemical processes within your body. 
Preparing for such as fast will help your body to get the best benefit from it. Some maintain that a colon cleanse will help reduce the effects of any digestive problems experienced, although this is debatable. "how to fast weight loss"  However, it will do no harm, so if you believe it will help that it could give you a psychological boost. 
Also, it is important that you don't stuff yourself full of carbohydrates before fasting because you will simply delay or even prevent any weight loss for taking place. That is not how to fast to lose weight properly. It is important that rapid weight loss is also healthy weight loss, and stuffing yourself with food prior to fasting is neither healthy nor sensible. 
Nor is total fasting, taking nothing by mouth at all, except, perhaps, water. This is likely to damage your system by unnecessarily depriving it of nutrition. Bear in mind your reason for fasting - to lose weight. How to fast to lose weight properly is not to simply take no food, but to force your body to use your fat deposits as a source of energy to feed your metabolism. You should be able to achieve that while maintaining an intake of sufficient nutrition as to avoid any permanent or long-lasting damage to your immune system or any other bodily process. 
So how should you set about fasting in a healthy enough way to achieve this? First, you should consider your daily routine. You should not fast unless you can avoid any hard work, or situations that could be dangerous if you felt weak or faint. Fasting affects some people this way, and nor should you fast during menstruation.  click here
Decide if you intend fasting for a long period, or only for two or three days at a time, with eating periods in between. If the latter, what should your diet be between fasting periods? Some combine an intermittent total fast with juice fasting, so they at least take in some nutrition, but here again you have to be careful that you are not putting your core body processes at risk. Your liver needs a degree of nutrition to remain functional. 
If you are not used to fasting, you will find it difficult to do without food for more than a day but this is all you may need. If you fast from sunrise one day until sunrise the next day, you will not only give your digestive system a well-earned rest from which it will benefit, but will also have the basis of a healthy weight loss program that does not compromise your well-being. That is how to fast to lose weight properly. 
By doing this two to three times each month you will reduce the effect of prolonged fasting on your body and also help to remove many of the toxins built up in your system. When you break the fast, first take two glasses of salted lemon water to flush the system out, and then have breakfast as normal. 

By including this as part of a healthy approach to weight loss you will feel better within yourself, be more liable to lose weight permanently and will give a boost to your metabolism that will itself enable you to lose weight more easily. 
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