mercredi 6 novembre 2013

Some of the Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

Green tea is made from the plant called camellia sinensis that has gone through the process of oxidation. Currently, green tea is being used as a raw material for extracting that can also be used in various beverages, dietary supplements, cosmetic items and also health foods. There are several varieties of green tea in the world. The main differences between them are that some have different growing conditions, production processing and horticulture. The method of harvesting the tea leaves is also sometimes different. Green tea is preferred more than black tea because it does not undergo the process of fermentation and therefore it retains its maximum amount of antioxidants and poly-phenols. These two substances also give tea its many benefits and the list for the benefits is long. Some of the benefits of green tea are: Prevents arthritis, aids in weight loss, reduces high blood pressure and boosts your immune system.

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