vendredi 13 décembre 2013

Reduce The Risk Of Cancer Or Cure It!

Any type of serious illness, diseases including cancer knows no boundaries. It doesn't choose nor pick a certain age; it will do this if there is a weakness or a loophole somewhere in the defence system in the body. According to Cancer Society's there is a 45% possibility that male or female will develop cancer in his or her lifetime. Some of those statistics are scary; to know of a problem and to face it front on is by far better than being oblivious about it, sticking the head in the sand and hoping nothing will happen. Just this week a sad story about a young woman aged 28 diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma; she says: I had no idea this was coming, I never sun-baked or even used a solarium. There is no family history of melanoma, I'd always covered up and cancer now has spread throughout my body. Why did this person get such a death sentence? Maybe not "enough" sun; we do need some of it! This may confirm some of the statements in one of my articles: MELANOMA - IS THE SUN THE CULPRIT OR IS THERE SOMETHING ELSE AT PLAY?

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